I am not a saint / preacher, I am a common seeker.
I am just like any other human being - imperfect and, mortal.
I came to know that there are three types of people -
1) who unconsciously choose to go down with flow of time and die in ignorance
2) who are confused about whether to go with others or go in opposite direction and seek God
3) who turn 180 degrees and go opposite to flow of ignorance. They are very few in number and are committed to find God in themselves and everywhere (as He is here from time unknown and will be here for time unknown). This conscious decision requires lot of courage and devotion to God. It is steep up till the cliff and is winding and unknown. One requires constant support and vigilance by a god-send saint. With his help and grace, one can reach the top.
I was in first category for a long time till end of my youth. I was in second category for first part of my middle age.
Now, I am in third category since last 6 years.
I pray to God for ending this life-death cycle and get merged into His infinite expanse of pure happiness, love and peace and empathy.